Illness Protocol
When should I keep my child home from school? How long should they stay home from school? All your illness protocol questions answered.
Management and Mitigation
Do not send your child to school if you suspect they may be ill or have exhibited any of the following signs or symptoms. Contact the office and your healthcare provider to assess the next steps. All absences must be reported.
An elevated temperature at or over 100 degrees was taken orally, or 100.4 was taken temporally during the last 24 hours.
Vomiting within the last 24 hours.
Repeated episodes of diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
Chills, loss of appetite, unusual fatigue, numbness of mouth, and/or lingering headache.
A significant amount of nasal discharge, particularly if the discharge is yellow or greenish in color.
A persistent cough.
A significant sore throat.
An earache.
A significant rash
All contagious and communicable diseases (viruses, COVID-19, chickenpox, measles, pinworms, lice, etc.) must be immediately reported to the school office so that we may comply with reporting requirements. Individual names of affected students will not be shared in any school communication.
To manage the spread of infections at school and to allow children to recover fully, please keep your child home for 24 hours following the cessation of fever, symptoms of a common cold, vomiting, diarrhea, or any other indication of contagious illness. In the case of fever (oral temperature above 100 degrees, temporal 100.4 or higher), the child must be fever-free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Mask Wearing
Alabama Waldorf School follows a Mask Optional policy for indoors and outdoors.
Mask optional does not mean we are no longer wearing masks at all. It means faculty/staff, parents (for their children and themselves), visitors, etc., can make the best decision for them.
It means that the school reserves the right, at any time, to return to universal masking if it is deemed a necessary safety measure based on local caseloads and CDC guidelines.
Parents are asked to inform their child’s teacher(s) should they wish for their child to continue to remain masked, and teachers will honor and encourage this choice.
All students may continue to bring a mask to school, and masks are also available in the office.
Management of Covid-19 Cases and Exposures
These guidelines include All Students, Nursery through 8th Grade, and Faculty/Staff. Following a positive test result for COVID-19, the student or teacher may return after:
Minimum of 5 days from the positive test, AND
All symptoms have improved significantly, AND
Fever-free for 24 hours without medical aid.
Students will need to wear a well-fitting mask* until it has been completed 10 days from the positive test result or have a negative test result following day 5.
*Children who are unable to wear a mask must stay home for the full 10 days.
Monitoring and Reporting Covid-19
In the event that a case of confirmed COVID-19 exposure comes to our attention, we will follow the Alabama Department of Health’s guidelines to monitor and manage. For Alabama Waldorf School to do this most effectively, please call the main office and email to report any confirmed cases.
Air Quality Information
MERV 13 filters have been installed in all HVAC units. These are changed out monthly, as recommended.
Bathroom vent fans will run at all times when children are in the classroom.
HEPA air purifiers (in-room units) will run at all times when children are in the classroom (one unit per classroom).
Humidity will be monitored to maintain a 40-60% level, and humidifiers will be added to the classroom if determined as necessary.
Air conditioners will be set at or below 74 when the room is in use and turned up to 78 when not in use. Units will not be turned off.